Upcoming content

Hello adventurers!

Sean here with a few updates for all of you.
Aslintha will be resuming it's normal content on March 3rd, but you guys will be getting access a day early.

Also, we will be releasing our first live action production later this year. Currently the plan is to release it in November after it finishes its festival run in October, but if we can get permission from the one festival keeping us from releasing it early we will be releasing it this summer on Patreon before it releases in the fall for everyone else.

We will be at 2 conventions next month. Planet Comic Con in Kansas City from March 17-19 and Megacon Orlando from March 30-April 2.

Our updated merch site will be going live soon with new shirts, and we are currently in pre production for 2 new live action productions, as well as 3 new audio productions as we near the end of Aslintha (and by the end I mean we're about 60% of the way through the series). 

Thank you all for your support and I'll be posting again soon with more content for everyone!


Discord Update
